
An unhealthy form of love

An Unhealthy Form of Love

February 28, 2022 | By | Clinical Trials, Liver Health | Blog, liver disease research, NAFLD, NASH

There’s a lot of love to celebrate during the month of February. However, some of the things we love are bad for our overall health. One of these areas is our obsession with the “western diet,” which is high in …

Fibroscan: Can Your Liver Benefit from One?

Fibroscan: Can Your Liver Benefit from One?

June 8, 2021 | By | Clinical Trials, Fibroscan, Liver | Blog, Clinical research, liver disease research

  When it comes to detecting and identifying the severity of liver disease, the gold standard is typically a liver biopsy. Newer technological advances have paved the way for other non-invasive options such as the fibroscan. Not only does it …