
Happy liver, happy life

10 Tips To Keep Your Liver Happy and Healthy

April 20, 2021 | By | Clinical Trials, Liver Health | Blog, Clinical research, NAFLD, NASH

  Indeed, the liver is a resilient, amazing organ. However, it isn’t indestructible, and its health is vital to your body’s overall wellness. Anyone can develop liver disease, so Arizona Liver Health has 10 tips to keep your liver happy …

Loving your liver

Falling in Love with Your Health

February 11, 2021 | By | Clinical Trials, Liver, PCOS | Blog, Clinical research, liver health, Liver research

  Approximately 1 in 10 women of childbearing age experiences Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). PCOS is the leading cause of infertility, among the many other symptoms this condition creates. A growing body of evidence shows PCOS is linked to other …

Looking for diet tip on maintaining liver health?

New Year – New Diet – Same Liver

January 12, 2021 | By | Clinical Trials, Liver | Blog, Clinical research, Liver health diet, NASH

cont   Performing over 5,000 vital functions to sustain life and regeneration are some of the liver’s most remarkable features. It truly is an extraordinary organ, but it is not invincible. The celebrations of the holidays can add extra strain …

Give back through volunteering

Volunteering: The Gift the Keeps on Giving

December 22, 2020 | By | Clinical Trials, Volunteering in Research | Blog, clinical research study, give back through research, liver health

  One of the best things about the holiday season is that goodwill towards others takes it up a notch as people race to pay it forward. The desire to give back is a perfect segue into volunteering in a …

Late stage of liver scarring: cirrhosis

A Complication of Liver Disease: Cirrhosis

December 15, 2020 | By | Cirrhosis, Clinical Trials | Blog, Clinical research, Fatty Liver Disease, Liver disease

  Cirrhosis is the replacement of healthy liver tissue with non-living scar tissue. It is a complication of liver disease from the progressive damage caused if not treated. Most people have no symptoms in the early stages, where the progression …

NASH a modern lifestyle disease

NASH: A Modern Lifestyle Disease

November 24, 2020 | By | Clinical Trials, NAFLD, NASH | Blog, fatty liver, Fibroscan

  Every liver has a small amount of fat in it. With fatty liver, unhealthy fat levels begin to accumulate, leading to liver damage if not treated. There are various types of fatty liver disease, but NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver …

Woman with hair blowing, PCOS and NAFLD, Clinical research studies

Women with PCOS and NAFLD

October 19, 2020 | By | Clinical Trials, NAFLD, PCOS | Blog, Clinical research, Women's Health

1 in 10 women of childbearing age is affected by polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS. PCOS is caused by imbalanced reproductive hormones. In a healthy menstrual cycle, the ovaries make the egg that is released during the process, but with PCOS, the …

Fatty Liver - Liver Disease - Read More

All You Need to Know About Your Liver

October 6, 2020 | By | Fibroscan, Liver

October is National Liver Cancer Awareness Month. Liver cancer is the 13th most commonly diagnosed cancer in America and one of the deadliest. Liver cancer is often diagnosed late and difficult to treat. The goal is to create awareness about the …

benefits of a fibroscan

Benefits of a Fibroscan

September 14, 2020 | By | Fibroscan, Liver

Your liver performs over 500 vital functions in your body. If it is not functioning the way it should, your health could take a turn for the worse. If you are at risk of liver disease, checking your liver’s health …

Vicki McIntyre, DNP, FNP featured on Tucson’s Morning Blend

Vicki McIntyre, DNP, FNP featured on Tucson’s Morning Blend

January 3, 2020 | By | News & Events

AZ Liver’s own Vicki McIntyre, DNP, FNP was featured on the popular Tucson morning show “The Morning Blend” last month where she discussed several topics including: Common liver diseases like NASH Fibroscan technology Liver disease statistics Liver disease symptoms and …