
Hepatitis B – The Vaccine Has Your Back

Hepatitis B – The Vaccine Has Your Back

August 31, 2022 | By | Hepatitis, Hepatitis B | Blog, Hepatic Clinical Trials, Vaccination

Don’t turn your back on vaccinations!  With an increase in hepatitis B cases, the need for protection has never been more relevant.  Learn more on the significance of vaccines, especially against hepatitis B. The Power of Vaccination  Simply stated, vaccines …

The recent hepatitis outbreaks in children.

Hepatitis: Why Children and Why Now?

July 22, 2022 | By | Clinical Research, Hepatitis | Clinical trials, Hepatitis in Children, Hepatitis Outbreak, Liver disease

The Sudden Wave of Hepatitis Amongst Children A recent upsurge in hepatitis cases involving children has caused alarm nationwide. Let’s dive into why this age group is suddenly experiencing a spike in occurrences. An Origin Story – How Cases of …

Hepatitis Explained

Hepatitis Explained: What You Need to Know

March 30, 2022 | By | Clinical Research, Hepatitis | Blog, Clinical trials, Fatty Liver Disease, liver health, Liver research, NAFLD, NASH

Liver health is essential to the function of the human body. It performs over 500 functions to keep the body healthy. A few examples are flushing out toxins, processing food, and maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. Hepatitis is one of …